Pokemon xd gale of darkness rom all pokemon cheat
Pokemon xd gale of darkness rom all pokemon cheat

pokemon xd gale of darkness rom all pokemon cheat

Pokemon Nickname Modifier - Party Slot 3 (Reclaimer Shawn) Pokemon Nickname Modifier - Party Slot 2 (Reclaimer Shawn) Pokemon Nickname Modifier - Party Slot 1 (Reclaimer Shawn) I could go mining for all 83, but I have 5 basic ones for you below: *X's represent the index of the Shadow Type you want your Pokemon to become. Lugia, although excluded from that group, should get purified as well. If you set 5 Pokemon to Shadow Lugia's index, and purify one of them, all 5 will get purified. However, if you purify any Pokemon with said index, all Pokemon with said index will get purified. *If the Pokemon of said "index" is already purified, these codes will do nothing. They just have the same Pokemon Purify rate(expetion for Lugia, goes into Random Reverse mode and otherwise has the slowest purification rate) and Shadow Pokemon Moveset. *Your pokemon do NOT become the Pokemon listed above. Party Pokemon 6 is Shadow Type (Reclaimer Shawn) Party Pokemon 5 is Shadow Type (Reclaimer Shawn) Party Pokemon 4 is Shadow Type (Reclaimer Shawn) Party Pokemon 3 is Shadow Type (Reclaimer Shawn) Party Pokemon 2 is Shadow Type (Reclaimer Shawn) Party Pokemon 1 is Shadow Type (0'Lungfish) This will give your Pokemon a Bashful nature, and every stat will have 31 IVs(except Speed, which should have 29) Also, it seems that if you set the trainer ID of your Pokemon to Zero, and use the above PID, they'll become shiny! Yay! *If you're too lazy to go through all of that math, change the X's to FFFFFFFD. I recommend using the sites below for PID Calculation: *X's equal the Pokemon's Personality Value(PID) in Hexadecimal. Pokemon PID Modifier - Party Slot 6 (Reclaimer Shawn) Pokemon PID Modifier - Party Slot 5 (Reclaimer Shawn)

pokemon xd gale of darkness rom all pokemon cheat

Pokemon PID Modifier - Party Slot 4 (Reclaimer Shawn) Pokemon PID Modifier - Party Slot 3 (Reclaimer Shawn) Pokemon PID Modifier - Party Slot 2 (Reclaimer Shawn) Pokemon PID Modifier - Party Slot 1 (Reclaimer Shawn) If you want to keep a pokemon Legitimate, make sure the IVs line up with the PID you give a pokemon. *Y's equal the IV stat corresponding to each byte in order: HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed. I recommend using serebii or smogon to find which of the Pokemon's stats are the best for your pokemon, and make an EV Spread based around that. If you don't care about that, set them all to the maximum amount. If you want to keep a pokemon Legitimate, make sure each byte adds up to a total of 510. *X's equal the stat corresponding to each byte in order: HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed. Pokemon EV IV Modifier - Party Slot 6 (Reclaimer Shawn) Pokemon EV IV Modifier - Party Slot 5 (Reclaimer Shawn) Pokemon EV IV Modifier - Party Slot 4 (Reclaimer Shawn) Pokemon EV IV Modifier - Party Slot 3 (Reclaimer Shawn)

pokemon xd gale of darkness rom all pokemon cheat

Pokemon EV IV Modifier - Party Slot 2 (Reclaimer Shawn) Pokemon EV IV Modifier - Party Slot 1 (Reclaimer Shawn) However, it's just cosmetic(don't know what happens when these are sent to a Gameboy.) Also, you can set the level above 100, just use the same EXP as you would with a Pokemon maxed out at level 100. *Make sure Level corresponds with the EXP you set, or there could be glitches. Use in conjunction with stat modifiers for best result. *This makes no changes to stats, so it's kind of cosmetic. Pokemon Level and EXP Modifier - Party Slot 6 (Reclaimer Shawn) Pokemon Level and EXP Modifier - Party Slot 5 (Reclaimer Shawn) Pokemon Level and EXP Modifier - Party Slot 4 (Reclaimer Shawn) Pokemon Level and EXP Modifier - Party Slot 3 (Reclaimer Shawn) Pokemon Level and EXP Modifier - Party Slot 2 (Reclaimer Shawn) Pokemon Level and EXP Modifier - Party Slot 1 (Reclaimer Shawn) Trainer TID SID Modifier (Reclaimer Shawn)


RAW Paste Data Alright guys, after a good amount of code creating and testing, I have a group of my official code release right here.

Pokemon xd gale of darkness rom all pokemon cheat